Have a great day every day?

The first week back from vacation is always tough.  There was no alarm clock. No bedtime. No obligations. No worries!  The only worries you have when on vacation is 1–What’s for supper? 2–When’s nap time? That’s it. No other worries. Every day of vacation is always a great day, even if you do nothing all day.

Hill of Moreh--Jezreel Valley

Hill of Moreh–Jezreel Valley

For my wife and me, today is that day.  Today is our first day back to reality after a week in warm, sunny Florida.  In fact, last week at this time it was in the 80’s.  And even though it is supposed to be in the 50’s all week in Wisconsin, we are no longer on vacation.  It’s back to work.  It’s back to reality.

Harod Spring

Harod Spring

Every day cannot be a day of vacation.  But why can’t every day feel like it?  You’ve heard the saying, “There’s no such thing as a bad day of fishing.” There’s no such thing as a bad day of vacation. Every day of vacation is a great day. But why can’t every other day of the year be just as great?

Is it possible to have a great day every day?  It is possible.  And the apostle Paul tells us how. “Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things above and not on earthly things”(Colossians 3:1-2.)

Harod's Spring

Harod’s Spring

Do you want to have a great day every day?  Set your hearts on the things above! Set your minds on Christ, who is your life, your righteousness, your everything! Not just today or tomorrow or this week but everyday! Because remembering who you are in Christ and what you have in Christ makes you realize, “What else do I need? I have all that I really need!” Setting your hearts on the things above gives us the power to declare, “What is the world to me? My Jesus is my Treasure! My life! My health! My wealth! My friend! My love! My pleasure! My joy! My crown! My all! My bliss eternally!”

Harod Spring

Harod Spring

Setting your heart and mind on Christ and all of those things above–like heaven, rest, relaxation, perfection, no more failure, joy and happiness, contentment, no death, no pain, no crying, no hatred, no violence, full of love–focusing on those things each day, every day–you can’t help but have a great day! Setting our hearts and minds on these things will not get rid of our wants, but it opens our eyes of faith to see that when it comes down to it, we have all that we really need–and then some! That’s the secret to not only having a great day, but a great life–just knowing and believing in the life that Christ has waiting for you and will give you when He appears in all his glory.

This week we read through Colossians, Joshua and Judges.  Remember Gideon?  You are looking at pictures from Gideon’s spring in Judges 7 where God chose his “300”.  Enjoy your readings this week!

Here is your schedule for Week 10!

Sunday, March 8–Philippians

Monday, March 9–Colossians

Tuesday, March 10–Joshua 1-6

Wednesday, March 11–Joshua 7-12

Thursday, March 12–Joshua 13-19

Friday, March 13–Joshua 20-24

Saturday, March 14–Judges 1-5

Sunday, March 15–Judges 6-9

If you would like a weekly reminder and encouragement, just click the black “Follow” box with the + sign on the bottom right corner of the screen and enter your e-mail address.  You can also enter your e-mail address in the box on the right and hit enter.

About Jon P. Hartmann

I am a Lutheran pastor in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. My wife of over 20 years is Stacey. We have three children: Caleb, Rachel and Noah. I enjoy hunting and fishing(especially fly fishing)and the north woods. I really enjoy traveling and have been to Israel twice, Greece, Italy, France and Germany. But most of all I love teaching others the Word of God.
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